6 SDoH Associated with the Likelihood of Not Having a Mammogram within the Past 2 Years

  1. Life dissatisfaction: 31% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
  2. Feeling socially isolated: 30% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
  3. Experiencing lost or reduced hours of employment: 35% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
  4. Receiving food stamps: 17% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
  5. Lacking reliable transportation: 14% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
  6. Reporting cost as a barrier for access to care: 96% more likely to NOT have had a mammogram
Notes: Among women aged 50–74 years, mammography prevalence was 83.2% for those with no adverse SDOH and HRSNs and 65.7% for those with three or more adverse SDOH and HRSNs. SDOH= social determinants of health; HRSN= health-related social needs.

Source: Vital Signs: Mammography Use and Association with Social Determinants of Health and Health-Related Social Needs Among Women — United States, 2022, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly (MMWR)/CDC, April 9, 2024. - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7315e1.htm?s_cid=mm7315e1_w